Saturday, October 15, 2011

Career Learning and Planning

FOCUS: Career Portfolio
Description: This webquest is on Learning and Planning  (Life/Works Exploration). It focuses on the General Learning Outcomes of participation in lifelong learning supportive of life/work goals; making life/work enhancing decisions; and understanding, engaging in, and managing own life/work building process.
Grade Level: 9-12
Curriculum: Life Skills / Careers
Keywords: graduation requirements, credit information, learning styles, goal achievement, goal setting, occupation-related skills, decision-making process, career portfolios.


Welcome to the  Career Learning and Planning webquest. 
Are you ready for the rest of your life?  Do you know what you want to be when you grow up and how to achieve it?
 Here you will have the opportunity to work at your own pace to create a computer based Career Portfolio. The information and activities in this webquest will pave your way to a successful graduation and potential occupation. 

You will create a computer based Career Portfolio which will be the final assessment piece for Career Learning and Planning (Decision Making).  Your Portfolio will be done using Word.  It will have a cover page with a hyperlink to the Table of Contents page.  On the Table of Contents will be hyperlinks to each subsequent page.  You may create it as one long document with hyperlinks within the document or as a number of files, with hyperlinks between the files.  All assignments from this webquest are to be saved to the shared drive and some will be included in your portfolio.  This must be complete by April 10, 2012.


For this unit you will be partnered with a fellow student. It will be your job to ensure that you and your partner are working together and keeping up with each other. You will also be responsible for checking to see that your partner completes all activities in this webquest and develops a career portfolio as the final product. There are times whe you will work individually and times when you will be expected to discuss things with your partner. You and your partner are welcome to discuss things with your teacher at any time.

1. Preparing for Lifelong Learning: Lifelong learning is an important part of planning and preparing for the future. Go to the following link and complete the Initial part of theLifelong Learning and Career Planning Anticipation Guide. Save it to your file on the shared drive. discuss your initial responses with your partner and then fill in the "after" responses with the reasons why your response did or did not change. Save again to your file.

2. Graduation Goals: Using the Focus on the Future: A Parent and Student Guide take a look at graduation requirements. Select Senior Years Graduation Requirements. Prepare 3 questions in a Word Document that you would like answered in regard to these requirements. You will be able to address these questions when Mr. Lochhead comes to the classroom.

3. EarningCredits: Read through the information available in the Department documents and information available at the following link. Discuss these options with your partner. Prepare a brief summary of the credits for which you believe you are eligible and those which you would like to consider in a Word document and save to your file. - Options for completing senior years credit assignments.

4. Learning Goals: Dicsuss with your partner your subject area strengths and areas in need of improvement. Click on the link and on the form provided there, list three areas of strength and three goals for improvement. Save this completed document to you file.

5. What it Takes to Achieve Goals: You have previously watched the movie Million Dollar Baby. As a class we discussed the main character's ability, effort and attitude as it related to her degree of success. With your partner, discuss how effort, ability, and attitude are major factors in achievement, using your own experiences as well as the film. In a word document, write a journal entry that addresses the following question: How has effort, attitude and ability effected your successes in the past? How will you ensure that they have a positive effect on your future? Be sure to place the question at the top of the page. Save it to your file.

6. What is my Learning Style? Complete a learning style inventory from one of the following websites. Be sure to save the results in your file. You may have to copy and paste it into a word document in order to save it.

7. Skills Needed to Achieve Goals: Take a look at Employability Skills 2000+ at the following link. Discuss with your partner how those skills are used in a school setting.

Complete the Employability Skills self-Assessment, Parts 1 to 3 at the following links. Then save them to you file. Then complete Part 4: Report Card Performance Analysis. save it to your file.

8. Occupation-Related Skills: Explore the Job Futures National Occupational Classification website at the link provided and note the skills required for a variety of occupations. In order to do this you must select an occupation, select Education and Training for that occupation, and scroll to find related skills.

With your partner, discuss the similarities and differences of skills within occupational sectors or areas (such as business, health, arts, transporation, etc)

Create a word document in which you can answer the following question in a journal entryHow important do you consider it to be that the occupation you select matches with some of your personal transferable skills? Be sure that you put the question at the top and save it to your file.

9. Plan to Achieve Goals: You are to create a written action plan (in chart form) that identifies a sequence of steps to achieve goals and indicates the possible factors affecting each stage of the sequence. Your plans should include both in-school and outside-of-school steps. ex goals: completing certain courses, using learning styles, considering effort, ability, attitude to reach goals, employability skills that may need developing, etc. and include how you plan to achieve these goals. You are welcome to make use of Inspiration software to do this. Alternatively you may want to do it in a Word Document. It is to be saved in your file.

10. Using a Decision-Making Model: Look at the decision-making model from page 19 of Focus on the Future: Your Grad Planner through the following link.

Consider the following situation. Discuss with your partner how you would make a choice in this situation. Be sure to consider your values, attitudes, the information available, and the influence of othes, as these are major factors in the decision-makinig process. Be sure to use the decision-making model at which you just looked. Then you and your partner must share these ideas with your teacher.

You have enough money to buy one tank of gas. It will take that tank of gas to get to your hockey tournament (or any other sporting event) and back again this weekend. At the same time, you really wanted to purchase a new hockey stick (or piece of equipment that is necessary for your sporting event) as it is past its best and you are sure you will play better with a new one. You must decide whether to spend your money on the tank of gas or the stick. Remember there will be no other options. No one is prepared to lend you money or pay for either item.

Create a journal entry that reflects on the decision-making process. You must answer the following question in a word document and save it in your file. Be sure to include the question at the top of the page. Did the decision-making model help you to make your decision in the last exercise? Why or why not?

11. Making Decisions About Courses: You are to use the decision-making process to decide on the courses you should be taking next year. You must complete the Decision Making form that can be accessed at file attachment #1. This will demonstrate your ability to apply the process. Please include factors that went into the process such as values, attitudes, information available, and influence of others. When it is completed, please save it to your file.

12. Goal Setting: Discuss with your partner the importance of setting goals. What do you want from life?

You will examine your sense of purpose and commitment, your desire for excellence, and your thoughts on happiness by doing the My Preferred Lifestyle form which can be accessed at the following link. When it is completed be sure to save it to your file. Then discuss your answers with your partner.

Go to the following link to discover the meaning of short term and long term goals.

Next you must identify one short-term goal and one long-term goal that fits your preferred lifestyle. Using the My Goals form found at the following link, you are to consider the energy, time, and money needed to reach these goals. You may need to gather information from other sources to assess the time, energy, and money needed.

I will be providing feedback as to how relaistic your estimates may be and the sources that you consulted to gather your information.

13. High Five Plus One: Go to the following link to find out what is meant by High Five Plus One. Discuss these ideas with your parnter. Write a reflective journal entry that addresses the following question: What do the "High Five Plus One" principles mean for career planning? Be sure to create this in a Word document, remembering to put the question at the top of the page and to save it to your file.

14. Career Portfolios: Go to the following link to take a pre-quiz on what a portfolio is or is not.

Next, go to the following link to find out what a Career Portfolio truly is. Read through the information provided, as creating a career portfolio is the object of this webquest.

Now you must explore how the general learning outcomes (GLOs) can be used in developing a portfolio, by filling in the chart My Career Portfolio and the GLOs at the following link. Be sure to save it in your file.

15. Completion of the Career Portfolio: You will now complete your career portfolio. You must create your word document entitled: My Career Portfolio. It is to include your name on the title page and a hyperlink to the table of contents page. On the table of contents page there is to be a listing of the contents and a hyperlink to either another document or within that document for each portion of the portfoilo. You may refer to the Introduction. In this portfolio you must include the following materials:
  • Your preferred learning styles results. (#6)
  • Employability Skills self-assessment. (#7)
  • Plan to achieve goals action plan chart. (#9)
  • My Preferred Lifestyle form. (#12)
  • My Career Portfolio and the GLOs. (#14)
  • A completed Annual Education Plan - This can be found at the following link. You may have to go back to the original form that I gave you at the beginning of the year to complete it and you may also have to look back through a number of your previous assignments.

When your portfolio is complete, please be sure to let your teacher know so it can be assessed.

Total Number of Resources: 1


Attachment Description: Decision Making form
Last Modified: May 14, 2008 8:55 pm


Evaluation Rubric

 Beginning 1Developing 2Very Good 3Exemplary 4Score

Content -Preferred Learning Style -Employability Skills -Goals Action Plan -Preferred lifestyle form -Career and GLOs -AEPAll required content is in the portfolio and most assignments are completed with minimum of effort and thought.All required content is in the portfolio and most individual assignments are completed appropriately.All required content is in the protfolio and individual assignments are completed appropriately.All required content is in the portfolio and individual assignments are completed with attention to detail and thought reflected.%25

Format: Portfolio is created according to specified format.Portfolio is created according t specifies format. Some hyperlinks work.Portfolio is created according to specified format. Most hyperlinks work and final product is satisfactory in appearance.Portfolio is created according to specified format. All hyper links work and final product is satisfactory in appearance and simple to navigate.Portfolio is created according to specified format. All hyperlinks work and final product is appealing and simple to navigate.%25

Quality: Demonstratesquality reflection of own preferences, skills, and learning.Quality of reflection demonstrated needs some improvement in most of the assignments included in portfolio.Demonstrates some quality reflection in some assignments included in portfolio.Clearly demonstrates quality reflection in most assignments included in portfolio.Clearly demonstrates consistent quality reflection in all assignments included in portfolio.%25

Conventions: Spelling, grammar, capitalization and punctuation conventions are to be adhered to throughout the portfolio.Very little evidence of use of spell check/editing appear throughout portfolio with a large number of errors in conventions.Inconsistent use of spell check/editing appears to have been used throughout portfolio with a number of errors in conventions.Use of spell check/editing is evident throughout porfolio as there are few errors in conventions.Use of spell check/editing is evident throughout portfolio as there are no errors in conventions.%25

Total Score: %100

Congratulations, you have completed a Career Portfolio. Hopefully you now have an idea of how to approach your future and are ready to face the challenges of decision-making, learning, and skill development necessary to become a success.

Can you think of what the next step might be?  Where do we go from here?   What else do you need to have and do in order to be fully prepared for your successful future?

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