Saturday, October 15, 2011


Title: Career Planning
Description: Through this webquest, you will have the opportunity to learn about your interests including possible career choices.
Grade Level: 9-12
Curriculum: Life Skills / Careers 


SUPPOSE you are now 18 years old and ready to live on your own but first, you must choose a career to help you reach your goals. Through this webquest, you will visit multiple websites to help you learn about your own career interests as well as the specifics of the career you ultimately choose. By the time you are done, you will understand the specifics of the career you are interested in, the starting or avarage pay, as well as the qualifications required to obtain a job in this field.
Enjoy your research!
Are you ready to “hear” about your task? Here we go…..
Through this webquest you will have several tasks to complete which I will give you a short introduction to on this page.
To begin, you are going to learn a little bit more about yourselves (I know you think you already know who you are) in order to find out what career will really fit the lifestyle you want. You will find out all the facts about that career choice that you will need to develop your own independence. Once you are done, you will be able to tell anyone who asks what career you plan to pursue and what it will take you to get there.
Before starting, make sure you watch the video below!!
Total Number of Resources: 1


Here are the steps you will follow to complete your journey:
1.    Begin by taking a Career-assessment to determine what careers you may be interested in. You will find this assessment in the resources section (at the bottom of this page).
a.   Click on Link #1
b. Bubble in Like, Dislike, or Undecided for each statement.  
c. When you have completed the survey, press submit and view your results
D. View job possibilities for each area you scored the highest in.
2.   Reflect on the Survey Assessment you completed. In your journal, tell me if you believe the assessment results are accurate or if there are other careers of interest to you…..make sure you list the other options you feel you might have.
3.   Now you will watch several career videos
a.   Click on Link #2

b.   Choose a career area of interest- This may be a job listed through your Career survey or another area of interest.
c.   Follow the links to watch the career video
d.   You will need to watch a video for 3 careers of interest
e.   Write down at least 4 facts about each video in your journals
4.   Using all of the information you gathered above and using Link #3, #4, #5 (or by searching the internet) determine the following information about your 3 careers of interest. You will include all of this information in a Powerpoint Presentation
a.   Assessment Results
b.   What is the job Title
 Job Description (Tell me about the job)
d.   Education and/or Training needed (do you have to go to college or to an academy?) Explain what is needed.
e.   Job Duties (what do you have to do each day on the job)
f.   $alary (Pay)
g.   What are the PROS (good things) and Cons(bad things) about these jobs
h.   Conclusion (what did you learn)
Total Number of Resources: 5
Career Interest Survey

Last Modified: June 29, 2011 11:50 am

Career Videos

Last Modified: June 28, 2011 9:45 am

What do you like to do?

Last Modified: June 29, 2011 11:02 am

Occupational Outlook Handbook

Last Modified: June 29, 2011 12:00 pm

Finding Occupations

Last Modified: June 29, 2011 12:04 pm
The rubric below provides you with the information you will be graded on.

Evaluation Rubric

 I didn't really do anythingHmmmm I started it.....I worked pretty hard on itI worked so hard I am the best!!Score

Completing the career interest inventoryThe career interest inventory was not completedThe career interest inventory was partially completedThe career interest inventory was fully completed but you did not reflect on the results in your journalThe career interest inventory was complete and you relfected on the results in your journal.25

Watching 3 Career VideosI did not watch any career videosI only watched 1-2 career videos and did not write down 4 facts for each in my journalI watched all 3 career videos but did not write down 4 facts for each in my journalI watched 3 different career videos and wrote 4 facts from each in my journal25

Career Information- Internet ResearchI did not search the links provided or the internet to find information on careers of interestI searched the links provided and the internet but did not find information of any careers of interestI searched the links provided and the internet and found information on 1-2 careers of interestI searched the links provided and the internet and found information on all 3 careers of interest

Congratulations!! You have finished your Webquest and should now have a greater understanding of what you will need to obtain a job in your career of interest.
Teacher Page
The purpose of this webquest is to start students on their journey to career exploration. Often times students do not understand the requirements, education, or training that is needed for jobs they may be interested. By completing this webquest, students will gain a better understanding of careers possibly available to them as well as an understanding of what they need to work on to reach their goals. Enjoy!

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